Convert netlists in other formats (e.g. LEF/DEF or Bookshelf) to netlist in protocol buffer (Protobuf) format. Also, convert Protobuf format to LEF/DEF.
We initially implemented three different types of conversions based on OpenDB.
LEF/DEF -> Protocol Buffer Format : In this conversion, users need to provide the def file and corresponding lefs. Here is an example. Note that the example that we provide is the Ariane design implemented in NanGate45. The netlist and corresponding def file with placed instances are generated by Genus iSpatial flow. Here the macro placement is automatically done by the Genus and Innovus tools.
Bookshelf -> Protocol Buffer Format : In this conversion, users can directly convert a netlist in Bookshelf format to a corresponding netlist in protocol buffer format. Here is an example. In this example, we use the superblue19 testcase from DAC 2012 Routability-Driven Placement Contest and Benchmark Suite.
Bookshelf -> LEF/DEF -> Protocol Buffer Format : In this conversion, users can first map a netlist in Bookshelf format to some technology node (e.g., NanGate45 or ASAP7), then convert the netlist to a corresponding netlist in protocol buffer format. Here is an example. In this example, we use the superblue19 testcase from DAC 2012 Routability-Driven Placement Contest and Benchmark Suite. The technology node used in this example is NanGate45. After running the scripts, you will have both .plc file (netlist in protocol buffer format) and .def, .lef files (netlist and fake lefs in NanGate45).
Note that we use part of the codes from RosettaStone, which supports the integration of academic Bookshelf benchmarks into real open-source technologies (ASAP7, NanGate45, SKY130HD, SKY130HS). (See the branch Bookshelf -> LEF/DEF -> Protocol Buffer Format.)
As reported in the IEEE DATC RDF-2024 paper, a fourth conversion is from Protobuf to LEF/DEF.
Visualization of the LEF/DEF generated from the Protobuf of CT-Ariane available in the Circuit Training repository.